रात्रिर्गमिष्यति भविष्यति सुप्रभातम् ।
Let us start with our study – phrase by phrase, word by word.
रात्रि: = Night
गमिष्यति = will pass
भविष्यति सुप्रभातम्
भविष्यति = will be or will become
सुप्रभातम् = good morning
भास्वान् = one who has splendour; sun भाः + वत्
भाः = splendour
वत् A Suffix which helps to make a derived noun, meaning “having”. Here भाः + वत् becomes a derived noun, with meaning “having splendour” One common place example is the word भगवान्
उदेष्यति = will rise
हसिष्यति पंकजश्रीः
हसिष्यति = will smile
पंकज = पंके जायते इति पंकजम्
पंक = mud
पंके = in mudज = जायते = is born; grows
ज is a sufffix which is used to render a meaning “born of” or “born at” or “is born”
पंकजम् = that which grows in mud = lotus
श्रीः = gloryपंकजश्रीः = पंकजस्य श्रीः, षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास glory of lotus
इत्थं विचारयति कोषगते द्विरेफे
कोषगत: = कोषे गत:, सप्तमी तत्पुरुष समास
कोषे = into the treasure, into the bosom
गत: = gone This is masculine first case singular of the past passive participle of root verb गम्
कोषगते = having gone into the treasure
द्विरेफ: = द्वौ रेफौ यस्य सः, बहुव्रीही समास
द्वौ = two
रेफौ = I struggled with the meaning of रेफ One would not find it in a dictionary. It was very kind of Mr. P. G. Kulkarni and Mr. Krishnanad Mankikar to explain that द्विरेफ means a black bee. Sanskrit word which can be found in a dictionary is भ्रमरः As can be seen, this word has two ‘र’-s in it. रेफ means this ‘र’-कार ! So, द्विरेफ means “one, who has two ‘र’-कार-s n its name ! Ooph ! Poetry even in coining a new word !
This phrase इत्थं विचारयति कोषगते द्विरेफे merits special attention. Three words विचारयति कोषगते द्विरेफे are all in seventh case सप्तमी. This style of composition makes the phrase, a sub-clause. The meaning of these words is not to be taken by their meaning in seventh case.
सति suggests locative case of verbal derivative क. व. धा. वि. (= कर्तरी वर्तमानकालवाचकम् धातुसाधितम् विशेषणम्) e.g. विचारयति and
सप्तमी suggests locative case of corresponding subject of that verb, e.g. द्विरेफे
Here we have कोषगते also in सप्तमी because it is the adjective of द्विरेफे.
गज: = elephant
उज्जहार = uprooted, This is declension in past tense, third person, singular of root verb उत् + हृ meaning “to uproot”
The overall meaning becomes –
Moral ?
I had another idea also in mind, in taking up this सुभाषितम्. In these four lines we have गमिष्यति, भविष्यति, उदेष्यति, हसिष्यति, विचारयति, गते, उज्जहार all verb-forms – either declensions or participles. Even the suffix ज in पंकज has a derivation from a verb.
विचारयति is masculine, seventh case singular of विचारयन् a present active participle, derived from the causative of the verb वि + चर्
गते is masculine, seventh case, singular of past passive participle गत of root verb गम्
Verbs in Sanskrit become a subject of interesting, but very comprehensive study. It is possibly no exaggeration to say that Sanskrit owes much of its charm for how one can play around with verbs ! Prominently,
(For ease of understanding given below for each type is third person singular form of the verb भू)
the tenses are seven
Present Tense वर्तमाने लट्
Three types of Past Tense भूते
लुङ् called as “Aorist” by grammarians. This is not in common use. Example is अभूत्
लङ् (अनद्यतनः भूतकालः) e.g. अभवत्
लिट् (परोक्षभूतकालः) e.g. बभूव
Three types of Future Tense भविष्यतः
लुट् e.g. भविष्यति
लृट् e.g. भविता
लृङ् e.g. अभविष्यत्
and the moods are three
Imperative Mood वेदे लोट् Imperative mood is for giving an order, e.g. भवतु
Mood typically indicated by “should” in English विधौ लिङ् e.g. भवेत्
Mood of benedictions, benevolent wishes and blessings as indicated by “May God bless you” in English आशिषे लेट् e.g. भूयात्
धातु: | गण: | पदम् | वर्त. तृ. पु. एक. | क. भू. धा. वि. | |
1 | गम् | 1 | प. | गच्छति | गत |
2 | भू | 1 | उ. | भवति | भूत |
3 | उत् + इ | 2 | उ. | उदेति-ते | उदेषित |
4 | हस् | 1 | प. | हसति | हसित |
5 | वि + चर् (प्रयोजक) | 1 | प. | विचारयति | विचारित |
6 | उत् + हृ | 1 | उ. | उद्धरति-ते | उद्धृत |
In the above table
क. भू. धा. वि. = कर्मणि-भूतकालवाचकम् धातुसाधितम् विशेषणम्
In Sanskrit, words are formed
3. by declension of adjectival derivatives obtained from verbs
For example we can see a presentation of words in this सुभाषितम् in the following manner.
शब्द: | शब्दस्य जाति: | मूलशब्द: | लिंगम् | विभक्ति: | वचनम् | शब्दार्थ: |
रात्रि: | सामान्यनाम | रात्रि | स्त्री. | प्रथमा | एक. | night |
शब्द: | शब्दस्य जाति: | मूलधातु: | गण: | पदम् | प्रयोजकेन ? | प्रयोग: | काल: वा अर्थ: वा | पुरुष: | वचनम् | शब्दार्थ: |
गमिष्यति | क्रियापदम् | गम् | 1 | प. | न | कर्तरी | ‘लुट्’-भविष्यकाल: | तृतीय: | एक. | will go, will pass |
शब्द: | शब्दस्य जाति: | शब्दार्थ: |
इत्थम् | अव्ययम् | In this manner, thus |
शब्द: | शब्दस्य जाति: | मूलशब्द: | मूलधातु: | गण: | पदम् | प्रयोजकेन ? | प्रयोग: | काल: वा अर्थ: वा | लिंगम् | विभक्ति: | वचनम् | शब्दार्थ: |
विचारयति | क. व. धा. वि. | विचारयन् | वि + चर् | 1 | प. | आम् = Yes | कर्तरी | वर्तमान | पु. | सप्तमी | एक. | when thinking |
In the table for विचारयति please note क. व. धा. वि. = कर्तरी वर्तमानकालवाचकम् धातुसाधितम् विशेषणम्
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